UK Law states: It is YOUR duty to cause your child to "receive efficient full-time education suitable to (their) ability and aptitude"!!!
Did you know that UK law states that it's a parents responsibility to decide where & how their child should be educated?
"7: Duty of parents to secure education of children of compulsory school age
The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full-time education suitable-
to his age, ability and aptitude, and
to any special educational needs he may have,
either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.
Did you know that in the UK it is perfectly legal NOT to send a child to a 'school' for their education, but to teach them yourself instead?
9: Pupils to be educated in accordance with parents wishes
In exercising or
performing all their respective powers and duties under the Education
Acts, the Secretary of State, local education authorities and the
funding authorities shall have regard to the general principle that
pupils are to be educated in accordance with the wishes of their
parents, so far as that is compatible with the provision of efficient
instruction and training and the avoidance of unreasonable public
expenditure." (Education Act 1996)
Did you know that it DOES NOT require ANY special qualifications & THOUSANDS of parents already do this in the UK, RIGHT NOW!!!?
you know that children educated this way, more often than not, do much
better in learning & life, than their schooled counterparts? (studies have been done which illustrate this)
Did you know that the UK government would like to remove this legal right from parents & children so
that THEY, not parents, can decide what is to be taught to ALL children
& where that learning should take place? (& are currently
attempting to bring in legislation to this effect)
Did you know that the UK government intends to let it's employees interview
children ALONE, a power which even the police do not have. They have
stated that they will force children into schools if the parents refuse to comply with their policies!
Book Bouquet
1 week ago
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